Friday, January 24, 2020

Genre Research: Movie Review (Avengers Endgame)

   Today I watched the action movie Avengers Endgame. This movie did include CLAMPS. It had a C- There were a lot of costumes. Almost every character had a costume on. The characters mostly wore capes, and tight armor looking outfits.
L- The lighting in this movie seemed to be illuminating from an actual outside area that they may have used to film. And, there was also a lot of high-key lighting involved in the movie when the characters would fight.
A-  Some angles I noticed during this movie is eye level. When the character would see something very important the camera would show them at eye level. Another angle I noticed, was a long shot. When the big fight scene at the end took place, they used a long shot to show everyone going head-to-head.
M-Some movements I noticed during the movie is zooming in on characters when something important would happen to them or another character. Also, when they would use tracking shots to make the audience feel as if they were in the movie with that character.
P- A couple props I noticed are the hand gauntlet thing that Thanos wore on his hand. And also, the guns and swords were also props.
S- Lastly, some setting places that I saw were in a field, somewhere near a very important glowing ball. Another place was at a house and in the city.
Some CAMS are high angle, and dutch.
Movements-  are tracking shot, and over the shoulder shots most certainly.
Shots - some that i noticed were long shots and tracking shot.
Next, some things I disliked about the movie is that sometimes some of the scenes did not make much sense. And also that one of my favorite characters passed away. But I loved the action, and how the movie always kept everyone on their toes and very invested in the whole thing. Towards the end, the fight scene with all superheroes and Thanos's team was probably my favorite part.
Some editing I noticed was a lot of jump cutting. And cutaways were a big one in this movie.
There was also a lot of incident sound, and sound bridges involved as well.
Lastly, some elements were that they always kept me on my toes and there was a lot of emotion.

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